Premium Photo Contests

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Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Spotlight Photo Contest

Photo Contests Closing Soon


Thank you for providing such a wonderful platform for photographers!

Mark Alviro Wiens


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John Doe


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Lina Harrington


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Mark Alviro Wiens

About Us

The Photo Contest Live has been created as an online Photography platform with the focus to promote emerging and established photographers around the world. We encourage the exploration of photography & art, discussion of photo, art and the support of those who create photographs. Our vision is to create an online photography competitions and exhibitions accessible to everyone as a vibrant public space to foster greater social engagement, critical thinking and creativity. Through online photography competitions each day we provide several opportunities for artists, publications on our site, international photography competition and exhibitions, the connection with potential artists, photo collectors, curators and professionals in the field of photography.